Monday, December 5, 2016

Is My Life

assalamualaikum Wr Wb

I will tell about the end of my life.before I end my life, I want my mama cooking for my last in this world.why would I want my mama cuisine due to mother's cooking is a passion for me.without its food my mama less mama is mean to me.because she cooks with affection and love her for her child without her reply love.I love my mom than my boyfriend because he lives encouragement I of cooking and recipes she makes me encouragement, mama suppose I die now and be called almighty god S.W.T I wanted one last meal to the world.of cooking and recipes she makes me encouragement, mama suppose I die now and be called almighty god S.W.T I wanted one last meal to the your cooking mama because you know in the hereafter there.I can not feel your cooking mama mother and forgive me if I was there one from small to large.I could feel a small taste of your milk and cooking porridge mu mama from me ketch..When I feel great and mother's cooking mama feels different and open up the world.when I feel you your cooking mama mother feels different and wonderful world.because the cuisine cooking mama feels different to others.even more special for your cooking mama mom.when I die I want cuman food dishes mu mama mama I love you mom

This was my story when I get back later to this world there food cooking mama me

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