Saturday, December 17, 2016

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Here I will explain to tourists the beauty of the city of Pontianak

Home Betang Radang is a replica of a traditional house of Dayak in West Kalimantan.where tourism is a mainstay of the city government who've won a record,custom homes longest in Indonesia,custom homes longest in Indonesia,5 meters wide,and a height of 7 meters.characteristic of this house-shaped stage house long.home betang radang consists of 3 parts,namely the porch, breezeway space which is used for gathering the whole family, and a bedroom which is a private space for each palm family.Aloe Vera Center is where the cultivation of aloe vera plant, is in favor utomo road, north can go to these places from the terminal Kapuas to ride public transportation department siantan this place, you can find the aloe vera plant is a giant, can you imagine, every pelepahnya weight reached 1.2 kg.processing of aloe vera aloe plant into a variety of foods, such as candy, dodol, and flour.besides processed into food, this plant also processed into cream for skin.for souvenirs, you can buy a variety of refined products last for a friend or family home.equatorial monument is located 3 km from the city center of Pontianak and the monument of civic pride meruapakan pontianak.di this monument comprises four main sections diamond wood, two pillars of the back higher than the front part of the piral. between two piral behind. here there is a museum that contains information about the imaginary line around the Earth ini.Di many sites that sell tokah souviner minituar equator monument

thank you much


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